
Hi I am George “Coach” Conroy
I am excited to welcome you to the Madden Ice Store. In the past few months I have spent thousands of hours:
- Imagining
- Planning and
- Building back this old store and the Back yard. It will continue to improve for a few years. Please let me know what you think might be a great addition!
Madden Ice Cream
Madden Ice Cream is more than just a store that sells Ice Cream and a few other surprises. Perhaps you wish to sell your creations with us, contact us and lets chat!
I invite you to visist and to explore the back yard. There you will find things to stimulate your senses of
The Back yard is an area to explore. It is full of old and new and things to make you go hmmmm and to sweat and exercise. Feel free to camp with us to spend time in our backyard.
- Sight
- Touch
- Smell
- Listen and
- Movement.
The back yard is a repurposed area of old and new things designed to stimulate your sense and wonderment.
You can even camp here to spend more time!
There will be a small petting zoo and many features in an around the yard for you all to explore.
You can purchase a Scavenger Hunt card (that will change monthly) then proceed to the back yard to seek out answers.
All proceeds from these ales will go to a local charity. The first charity we will be supporting is the ?????????
Each month we will select a card and provide to the winner a gift certificate of $ 20.00 of ice cream.
The Back yard will support Birthday Parties!!!!!!! 3-hour rentals can be arranged.
Please explore our Store and Back yard and come regularly as there will be many changes through the months and years!
We love kids and love kids learning about life!